
In this page there are some widely used, publicly available data sets.

  • DAGmar level graphs. The archive contains DAGmar, a generator that produces DAGs and level graphs. The archive also contains a suite of pregenerated level graphs and a technical report describing the sampling algorithm and the program usage.
  • Test suites of directed and undirected graphs from the GDToolkit homepage (also known as the Rome Graphs)
    • RND/BU4P 531 biconnected, undirected, planar graphs with max degree 4.
    • ALF/CU 10000 connected undirected graphs.
    • ALF/CD 10000 connected directed graphs.
    • RND/BUP 200 biconnected undirected planar graphs.
    • RND/BDPB 200 biconnected directed planar bimodal graphs.
  • Graph Catalog (also known as the AT&T Graphs)

The following data sets, in GraphML format, have been generated from the above collections. Each archive contains graphs with 10 to 100 nodes (see the included log file for additional statistics):